A space to develop the full range of my pedagogical interests, for the benefit of all future students and colleagues.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Blog Introduction

This blog is a space for me to reflect on, develop, and share experiences and thoughts that I find meaningful.  I have attempted to write with clarity and conciseness - and I hope with compassion as well - because such writing forces me to develop deeper understandings, and because I sincerely hope that others will find my writings helpful.

Please consider everything here a work in progress.  None of these writings represent my finished thoughts or final products.  They simply represent the understandings that I had at the time of writing.  They will surely evolve.

As a teacher, I see everything I do, without exception, through the lens of care.  I am passionately devoted to continuously deepening my understanding of critical and historical thinking because I think that is the caring thing to do.  I strive to deepen my content knowledge for the sake of care.  The same is true for understanding how to promote literacy or for understanding adolescent psychology and development.  As teachers we are involved in these endeavors for the sake of supporting our students in every way possible.

We are also involved in supporting each other.  I hope this blog is a strong step in that direction as well. 

With much warmth,

Lynn Burnett

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